

Memorial Day

General Posted by brian 7 years, 10 months ago

Just out of curiosity, was wondering what other members of the esteemed Gentlemint community were up to for Memorial Day.

Personally, I am going to fire up the grill and try out this smash burger recipe, have a couple of Miller High Lifes and watch some Top Gun.

8 replies

  • glen

    Heading to the zoo with friends and family. Not my typical Memorial Day, but it should be fun. Hopefully I can squeeze in some Top Gun in the evening. That's a great idea.


  • Razorback

    I am a little late to the conversation but we used the weekend to primarily eat. Over the course of the weekend, I made some smoked bacon jalapeno cheeseburgers, smoked chicken, BBQ brats (rubbed and sauced) and a few other items.

    On Memorial Day, I smoked a rack of spare ribs and a rack of babybacks using the 3-2-1 method. Our neighbors smoked a brisket so we invited them over to our house and combined forces to create a feast that included a host of side dishes.

    My waistline is feeling it today.


  • elancaster65

    As for Memorial Day I have mixed feelings. I understand the desire to celebrate with family with cookouts, etc. But as a child I was once taken to a cemetery on Memorial Day. I was told I had to dress nice and be quiet. I didn't understand then but I do now.

    We stood at the grave of a family member; I can't recall whom. We were quiet, reverent and there were some tears. My Dad served in the Navy and he was very quiet. More quiet than he normally is as a reserved kind of man.

    It had a bit of an impact on my; forming my young mind. I saw that ads for sales and the parties and whatnot and was confused. I thought everyone went to the cemetery to honor those who fought and died? And as the years past I found fewer and fewer of my peers and their kids and the next generation really knew what the day was all about. And it was a bit sad.

    I say this not to take away from smash burgers (love me some Smashburger!) or Top Gun (love me some "I feel the need...the need for speed!) as people celebrate in their own way.

    As for me, I usually just hang out with the family and do what we normally do. But I'm more mindful on that day of the privileges I have due to the sacrifice of others. Whether they be family or not.

    I have many, many friends and relatives who served. One friend blames me for his son joining the Army to fly helicopters after I gave him an airplane ride. Of course he's not seriously "blaming" me but still...

    I, myself, never served. It is probably the one thing I would change if given the chance to "go back and do it again". So if my Memorial Day is a bit different from yours no worries. My 2 cents. Spend them wisely.
