

So Sick of Politic(s)

Politics Posted by ahnyerkeester 8 years ago

I am very thankful for the community here and the lack of pro-/anti-Trump posts every 0.333 seconds like I keep seeing on another social media platform that shall remain unnamed but rhymes with Place-rook.

You are all gentlemen and I thank you.

23 replies

  • zamoose

    Spacenook is a terrible social network, you're right.


    • ahnyerkeester

      It used to be nice. Plenty of puppy and cat pictures and shots of what people ate for dinner and promises from Bill Gates to give people who reposted something $1,000. Now it is ALL TRUMP ALL THE TIME.

      I told a friend, "Be the Facebook you want to see - Gandhi. I may have gotten that quote wrong but I don't think so."


  • Razorback

    I hate political arguments, particularly in social forums. They all remind me of one or more parts of this classic Monty Python sketch.


    • ahnyerkeester

      Don't give me that, you snotty-faced heap of parrot droppings!


      • Razorback

        It would be fun to use some Monty Python quips in actual social media conversations.

        “The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” ~Sun Tzu, The Art of War


        • Chet_Manly

          My children regularly use the insults on each other: "you empty headed animal food trough wiper" "your mother was a hamster etc..." & "I don't wanna talk to you no more"

          I'm afraid to let them watch anymore Monty Python. All I need is to walk through the grocery store and have my 6 year old screaming "Help, help, I'm being repressed!"
