

#1 Everyday Carry Item

General Posted by glen 8 years, 3 months ago

I've seen (and posted) a lot of everyday carry gear featured on the website, but I wondered what you all thought was the most crucial object/tool you carry on your persons 24/7. (This excludes your phone, keys, etc.)

23 replies

  • jordan

    Bullet journal with pen. Technically two things, but whatever.


    • glen

      Do you mean the bullet journal as this methodology? I haven't heard of this before... looks interesting.


      • jordan

        Yep, that's the one. I do a paired down method & stick to Topics (usually the date) & Page Numbers, Bullets & an Index (full explanations of all here). I despise forgetting things, and this method has greatly helped me out. The Index is quite useful for quickly finding notes I've made in the past.


        • glen

          I know the main critique to this system is that "but an app can do that!", which it can. But your concern is not forgetting things, which science tells us improves when we actually write things down on paper (source).

          The only problem I have with paper and notebooks is that I have to actually remember to take them ;) But I find myself using paper systems more and more.


      • jordan

        And, I don't use fancy notebooks. I use ones I get for free at work conferences. I'm cheap.


  • dewtattoo

    I ALWAYS have a knife on me. Usually I carry something by Gerber, but for the last year my knife of choice has been an Irwin 440SS. It's a beautiful rosewood handled pocket knife that was given to me as a birthday gift by my soon to be father-in-law. It is an older knife, but mine was kept new in it's box for however long he had kept it.

    I tried looking up the history of this knife, but I couldn't find anything pertinent.


  • elancaster65

    Like most guys, the Swiss Army Knife is a must have when walking out the door. (Anybody else do the four pocket pat down when they leave?)

    It's the small one with a knife, scissors and fingernail file, tweezers and toothpick. Invariably someone in my family will say, "Dad, do you have your pocketknife on you?" Kind of a dumb question because if we're out of the house then the answer is "yes".

    It's become such a figure in our family dynamic that my Daughter decided a few years ago she needed her own. So we went to the big mall and found a purple one (her favorite color).

    Now she doesn't go anywhere out of the house without hers. Even had to remind her to pack it in her suitcase when she travels as I've had two confiscated by TSA in the past.

    And when I'm traveling and need to use the knife on the plane and pat my pocket there is a mild panic that happens just before I remember it's in the cargo hold in my suitcase and I have another 2-3 hours before I can get it. Then I get mad, again, for a different reason, at the TSA.
