

Cold and Flu remedies

Health Posted by glen 8 years, 3 months ago

It's here: Cold & Flu season.

My wife is a little under the weather and asked me to make her a hot toddy last night. I've used these in the past and I swear they work. Years ago one Gentleminter posted this cold and flu remedy, which many have claimed work. Personally, I think it sounds suspiciously like the Wake-Up Juice from Back to the Future III.

Anyway, what are your cold and flu remedies? I usually stick to a strict diet of red meat and bourbon, but that's just me.

6 replies

  • jordan

    The hot toddy at the Bourgeois Pig is served in a 10-12 oz glass and is about 98% whiskey and 2% other stuff. It's quite the surprise to the system when you're already on other cold/flu medicine. That was an interesting Sunday afternoon.
