

Questions from the GM Mailbag

General Posted by brian 8 years, 4 months ago

Anyone have any topics or questions for the Gentlemint mailbag this week? Episode 102 of the Gentlemint podcast is being recorded in the near future.

9 replies

  • Chet_Manly

    Perhaps you could have a Mas-Wrestling contest instead. It looks pretty darn tough but I love the simplicity. It looks like a good test of total body strength: legs, hips,back, grip.

    I can remember trying to beat my dad and older brother at Indian leg wrestling (or is it more PC to say Native American leg wrestling, oh well, I don't care) back in the day. Before I knew/cared about leverage, body weight differential and things like that, I always felt I was just one match away from beating them. Silly me.
