

Watching Facebook burn...

Politics Posted by Titanheart 8 years, 3 months ago

So I'm watching liberal friends on Facebook proclaiming the end of all things. Part of me is cackling madly especially at the more pompous ones, but another part of me does genuinely feel bad for a few people, hey even I get a feeling once in a while. I didn't vote, because I couldn't do so in good conscience.

I guess my question is, how do you gents handle genuinely distraught friends in a situation like this? My natural inclination is to bathe in their tears, but I am trying to be a better man.

30 replies

  • Chet_Manly

    If they are your friends, I would say nothing at all. If these are people you physically interact with at work etc., I'd act as though nothing happened (not gloating). They're likely either extremely distraught, depending upon how much they invested in the election, or angry. Time helps both and being able to not think about it for a while, or be not reminded about it constantly would help as well.

    Just my thoughts on your question. Not being on Facebook, I have the privilege of only dealing with friends in person, which is nice, so I'm not sure how much different things Might be on FB.


    • Titanheart

      It has been interesting to watch. It is like the stages of grief being written out in a dozen ways in real time. I don't think I have seen people this invested in an election before.


      • Chet_Manly

        I hear you. I tuned out a week ago. But I have to admit that if I had to go through my day watching Hillary supporters celebrating and the gloating of the media that backed her, it would have been tough. Even without being invested in it, it's tough to escape the aftermath of an election.


        • Titanheart

          It is also hard not to agree with this guy:

          "To all those who are saying not to gloat now that Trump has won, I say this: I have been called racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, hateful, ignorant, bigoted and about 17 other completely untrue things by Hillary's supporters for at least the last 18 months. I'm going to enjoy it for a day or two."

          I wonder if by next election people will realize name calling and bullying isn't going to be a viable strategy in this country.


          • Chet_Manly

            You're right, but I'll change his time line. I have agreed with our current president on very little. When I have voiced this disagreement, more than once I have been unjustly connected with those descriptions, but this goes back 8 years not just 18 months.

            So true about bullying and name calling though.


            • Titanheart

              Yeah I have gotten that a lot. It's tough as some of my family are staunch Republicans, who up until now I hope, would vote Republican across the board because it was the right thing to do in their minds. Then I have long time friends who are on both sides of the fence. People who swallowed the rhetoric and really invested in it.

              "No, no, YOUR not a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, trans-phobic, misogynist, scum bag... Just you know everyone else who you associate with must be because reasons!"

              On the upside venting a little on here makes it easier to hold my tongue over on the lesser social media site.


  • Razorback

    I understand what you mean. I have to be honest and admit that I found myself giggling this morning because the outcome burned some of my far left friends (and yes, I believe that one can have friends from across the spectrum). But I agree with Chet in that it is best to say nothing or if you must, console them and let them know it is not the end of the world. If nothing else, this should strengthen their resolve and make them become more involved in our government.

    "The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury." ~Marcus Aurelius


    • glen
    • Titanheart

      It isn't all of them. There is an acquaintance that is more than a little pompous. I just want to poke at him just a little bit after all the months of having to hear him drone on about how everyone who doesn't agree with him is wrong and institutional blah blah blah. I guess the biblical solution is probably best. Heap burning coals on his head and such.


  • glen

    I laughed very hard at this:

    My natural inclination is to bathe in their tears, but I am trying to be a better man.

    I think the problem for many of the distraught supporters is how completely different the election's outcome was than was expected. NONE of the pundits predicted this. They were blindsided.

    I think that makes this particular situation worse. If it was expected that Trump was going to win a week ago, this probably wouldn't sting as much for those on the left.

    That said, I think a healthy dose of perspective comes in handy in times like these. If your friends believe that Trump is going to ruin our nation, than they should realize that there have been some truly terrible presidents in the past, and our country is still standing.

    (That said, I don't know if there was ever an election with 2 more flawed candidates... I digress.)


  • dewtattoo

    That's an easy answer. I only "rub it in" on the friends that have it coming.

    I don't know how to console those that are generally frightened. I have friends with gay family members that are terrified of Pence due to his homophobic way. I just remind them that he is a vice president, and all those guys are good for is acting stupid to make the president look more intelligent. LOL

    The only thing that is going to sate their fears is time.


  • Titanheart

    And then a "tolerant" liberal called me out directly in a snide and condescending way. Because I liked a dissenting point of view in his pompous and incredibly arrogant post. I need a drink and several deep breaths.


  • elancaster65

    Ten years ago I would have been throwing fuel on the fire...just to watch it burn. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Ask, "how does it feel now?"

    It accomplishes little and actually perpetuates a misguided belief that those who oppose them are what they think they are. It does little to move the conversation forward in the market place of ideas. It does little to salve fears. It does little to bring understanding.

    I have some very liberal friends. Several that are gay. A couple strident feminists. Some I've known since Jr. High. Some I only know through FB. I'm genuinely concerned that they have bought into the lies of the media. The media takes the fringes of both the left and the right and portrays them as the norm. Now I have gay friends who think Trump will brand them with a Scarlet F. I have feminist friends who think Trump will make them turn in their birth control and force them to have baby after baby. They believe whatever Twitter, FB, or the media tells them because they've given up on discovering the true truth of what's going on.

    I also had conservative friends who stockpiled firearms, ammo, food, etc. thinking Obama would initiate the zombie apocalypse. They think a good Muslim is a dead Muslim. The think ALL blacks are crooks. ALL Mexicans steal jobs and are lazy. And ALL gays are going to want to have sex with them. They are just as much fools as those they hate.

    CNN, MSNBC, FOXNEWS all make money off of advertising. And to get people to watch them must be sensational. BREAKING NEWS! All news now is breaking. And yet all it does it to spool up the fringe and scare the base.

    That is unconscionable.

    There is a saying that Behaviour Never Lies. Or as I taught my HS Sunday School class years ago, "Behaviour Betrays Beliefs. Actions Betray Attitudes". This is being played out before our very eyes.

    I fear that many good people who actually care about their fellow man are being manipulated by those whose only agenda is power and money. Both on the right and the left. I hope they will have ears to hear and eyes to see.



  • ahnyerkeester

    I was doing okay on Facebook till recently. I made the point that if people keep teasing millennials for protesting and having "safe spaces" it is going to come back and bit them when the millennials are pissed and they show up at the polls. The pendulum will swing to the "Trump" magnitude but in the "Sanders" direction and anything the conservatives feel they gained under Trump will be wiped away.

    There was a lot of agreement but some of the pushback has been ugly. I think I need to take a few days away. The call for civility and respect seems to elicit the opposite in many. Eesh.
