

Favorite Websites Outside Gentlemint (and just as importantly, why?)

Entertainment Posted by Chet_Manly 8 years, 4 months ago

I'd like the throw my hat into the ring with my first query and hope that it isn't blasphemous, but this IS a link sharing site and a forgiving one at that, so I'll brave it.

I enjoy the 'Mint and have seen things here I would never have otherwise come across. Atlas Obsecura and Laughing Squid, to name a couple. I won't put them in my list since since I discovered them from other gentlemen here. I don't post too often but I'm frequently at other places as well and here are a few of the ones I enjoy with regularity. I'm thinking only the places good enough to merit a visit at least once every day or two.

  • ESPN ACC Blog page in the fall, and around signing day, and spring scrimmages. Because: college football
  •, because I value self-education and so do they. I also enjoy looking into the past and trying to compare where we are now to where we have been. Best of all, I've been introduced to some quality ideas/thoughts/thinkers that I wouldn't have experienced on my own. I enjoy that many articles and with a question.
  • especially when I'm trying not to be on my phone very long
  • also because I'm a news junkie. I'll usually nose around the but not as often since I can get both sides at and they frequently link to huffpo.
  • YouTube has become a favorite and I enjoy the channel:
  • Brosciencelife because I have strong "meathead" tendencies and while its nsfw, it's one of the funniest channels....because it's true! I also enjoy Gavin McInnes and Stan Efferding and will search out their new content.
  • is another true favorite because (as noted before) I can nerd out on the lifting stuff and they have four new articles posted daily. But EliteFTS also has an incredible YouTube channel and while their products aren't cheap, their awesome advice/coaching is always free. I have purchased bars and other products from them and I've been very satisfied with the quality. And quality lifting advice is hard to find because you have to sift through so much fluff. So I want to support that company.
  • which has lists of everything (they even lists about lists) but that's usually only when I have time to waste and I'm feeling indulgent because I get sucked right into that read and click, read and click cycle.
  • Netflix: some things are self evident

I look forward to learning of some new, interesting and quality corners of the Internet in which to nose around.

14 replies

  • glen

    Ah, this is an excellent thread! Here are a few of mine:

    • Hacker News - It's not as good as it used to be (see: Golden Age syndrome), but it still has some interesting fodder related to programming, hacking, startups, and general news.
    • Digg - Lots of news, but tend to be focused on tech, pop culture (if that's your bag).
    • Reddit BBQ - If you cook anything outside, this is for you.
    • Art of Manliness - Brett has been a good friend to the site, and his content is incredible.
    • Mental Floss - I love their articles. Can't get enough of them.
    • Giphy - Maybe this is outside of the scope of the question, but I find myself on Giphy often when I'm needing the perfect gif to describe my feelings. Usually these are sent to Brian whilst working on Gentlemint, lowering productivity mightily. For example, I cried many tears of laughter watching this little nugget. Classic.


  • Razorback
    • Bitter Southerner - Compelling stories/videos about the South.
    • Garden and Gun - More of a highfalutin guide to all things Southern.
    • The Atlantic - One of the best sources on the web for very in-depth articles on a wide range of topics.
    • The Oatmeal - Because we all need a good laugh now and then.
    • Houzz - I love architecture and design. This site helps me plan remodels to our house as well as inspiration for designing our future retirement house.
    • All Recipes - My wife and I love to cook so this is a great resource for learning new dishes.
    • Nibble Me This - Fantastic resource for BBQ ideas but mainly focused on cooking with a ceramic smoker/grill.
    • Amazing Ribs - The site needs a major update but Meathead is one of the undisputed kings of BBQ. I have his cookbook and it is hands down the best I have seen. Good resource for all things BBQ.
    • NOAA - Let's face it, we all need to know what the weather is up to. I oversee all of the operations where I work and keeping my co-workers safe and informed is a priority. I use NOAA to check the weather at all of our office locations and inform people if anything severe is heading their way.
    • Buzzsumo - I am a marketer by trade and I use this site to locate articles related to my profession. This also helps me keep find content for my professional social sites like Twitter and LinkedIn.


    • glen

      Ah... Amazing Ribs. I should have added that to the list. I need to get the cookbook. The thing I love most about his articles is that he uses actual science to improve his cooking. Brilliant.


      • Razorback

        Order it. You won't be disappointed. The first half of the book is all about the science, what works and what doesn't, busting BBQ myths, etc. The second half is recipes. Great book.


    • Chet_Manly

      In my best Chandler Bing: "Could your list BE more helpful?" That's an awesome list and I will benefit from every one of them.

      I've already been noodling around on both Garden and Gun and The Atlantic because of some of your previous posts but they fall off my radar at times.

      Your list is awesome, I really appreciate the input! Thanks.


  • bean

    Great lists! I like, because they only post like 5 videos per day and its all clean, family friendly stuff. Some techy stuff like Ted talks, some sintimental animal stuff, stupid human tricks etc. but like I said the best thing is its clean content.
