

Favorite Halloween Films

Entertainment Posted by glen 8 years, 4 months ago

What's everybody's favorite Halloween films? I'm kind of a weenie when it comes to scary movies, so I like to go with more I think I'd have to go with these 3:

  • The original Halloween
  • Shaun of the Dead
  • The original Psycho (or just about anything Hitchcock)

16 replies

  • Chet_Manly

    We didn't watch much in the way of movies or tv as I was growing up so I have no childhood Halloween classics. However as my family is growing (the kids are still young) we are developing or own go to list for movies:

    • Legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Disney
    • GhostBusters
    • Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin
    • Bedknobs and Broomsticks
    • Harry Potter number 1 (for some reason, I prefer this as a Christmas movie, but Die Hard is also one of my favorite Christmas movies, so there you go.).

    I just watch the presidential campaigns and that generates a strong enough element of fear to last me the next three halloweens.


  • I watch a lot of horror movies, but most of the time, none are that noteworthy. I've been brainstorming a bit and I don't know if I would call these favorites per se, but these really stand out in my memory. Wish I had a running list...I know there are more! I'll keep brainstorming...

    Triangle - great time loop movie, way better than I thought it would be and I couldn't stop thinking about/trying to figure it out afterwards. The whole movie is on youtube:

    The House at the End of Time - this is an entertaining low-budget movie, but I loved the storyline/time travel element, and there are genuinely creepy moments

    As Above, So Below - kind of a fun, entertaining documentary style flick about entering Hell through the Catacombs of Paris

    In Fear - I liked the creepy setting (being lost in the Irish countryside) and build-up of suspense and air of mystery in this one

    The Ones Below - watched this one recently and I appreciated the Hitchcock vibe. Better than expected and entertaining.

    Idle Hands - a very cheesy oldie...but a goodie


    • glen

      Great list! I'd not heard of many of these. The Ones Below looks terrifying, but not in a slasher way...

      Idle hands. Yes! Gotta love the classics.


  • brian

    I wanted to do a GM blog post about this, but ran out of time. Definitely next year, but I wanted to throw a couple in here for future reference:

    ** The Night of The Hunter** This is based on a true story and one of my all time favorites, so expertly crafted it will blow you away that the director never got behind the lens again.

    ** The Wickerman (the original 1970s version)** Again, one of my all time favorites, though not based on a true story. This is a very weird film, but so creepy and unique.

    ** Halloween** Of all the classic slasher movies, this one stands far above the rest. John Carpenter expertly achieves not only a stunning suspense film, but writes an iconic soundtrack in the process.

    ** Vertigo** This is Alfred Hitchcock's most personal film and an absolutely spellbinding story centered around the blurry line between obsession and love.

    ** The Town that Dreaded Sundown ** This is a damn good recent film, it is based on the 1976 film of the same name that is actually about real events in a small town in Texas.

    ** Carnival of Souls** I really dig this one, but I'm biased. It was mostly filmed in Lawrence, Kansas — the town I live in. However, it is an interesting story and a film that critics point to as being incredibly influential to modern horror film makers.

    I could basically go on and on about this subject, but if I had to pick a handful, these would be the ones.
