

Favorite Fall Activities

General Posted by brian 8 years, 6 months ago

Around Kansas, fall is the best season of the year. The weather becomes gorgeous, the leaves are turning, college football is back in full swing and all seems right with the world. There are a lot of things about fall that I think about all year with great anticipation.

I was curious if anyone has any activities they look forward to each fall. Here are mine:

The Walnut Valley Bluegrass Festival

Held in Winfield, Kansas every year for the last 45 years, this is a great time to get together with old friends, camp, drink some beers and hear some great blue grass music. I've been attending since 2001, and it is always a unique and fun time.

College Football

My favorite sport and one that I look forward to every year. I enjoy following all the story lines and twists and turns that happen throughout the season.


Halloween is my absolute favorite event of the year and I celebrate every day of October leading up to it. Around my house we do extensive decorations and queue up tons of scary movies, put serious time into our costumes and cap it off with Dr. McKivnak's Fortress of Horrortude: Falloween Spooktacular. An annual Halloween party hosted by Dr. McKivnak — a shadowy, enigmatic character that seems to only show up at my house once a year on Halloween.

Octoberfest Beers

Fall also brings out my favorite type of beers. There are a plethora of great Octoberfest beers and it is fun to try new ones every year and have a few of your favorites. I stay away from the ultra-pumpkiny beers that seem to always rear their ugly heads around this time though.

12 replies

  • glen

    I'll add cookouts/bonfires to the list. Something about warm days and chilly nights that seem perfect for being outside right around dusk.

    My wife and I used to have our own Oktoberfest where we'd invite friends over and get a keg from the local brewery and cook food outdoors. It was great. We haven't done this in a few years, but maybe we'll revive the tradition.


  • jordan
    • Trying weird apples, especially after someone posted this to the mint a while back
    • Trail running when things get crunchy
    • The fire pit
    • A lower electricity bill

    And wth won't that turn into bullet points? I used the markdowns, tried asterisks and dashes. Any tips appreciated.


  • Razorback

    Definitely hunting season for me. I really enjoy deer hunting. I see tons of deer every year but very rarely kill one. Monster bucks are my primary target and they are few and far between.

    Outdoor fires are another favorite. This year, I plan to put a fire pit in the back yard not far from my outdoor kitchen. Hoping to practice with a cast iron dutch oven and learn some new tricks.

    College football always ranks high on the list. Especially tailgating at the Arkansas games in the cooler weather.


  • Razorback

    I also like to build things outdoors this time of year. Fewer ticks and lower temps make it a great time to do those larger outdoor projects. For example, I am currently thinking about building a small smokehouse in the back yard. Just because I can.
