

Well hello again

General Posted by brian 6 months, 3 weeks ago

Hey there all, sorry we took a little break there for a couple of months. It's not you, it's us. We needed some time away to think. In all seriousness, we ran into some brick walls regarding our platform and hosting situation and we simply needed to halt everything and resolve them before we could move forward.

Additionally, you may have wondered why it has been very quiet around here lately. A lot of it is simply just life happening. Time seems to be harder and harder for Glen and I to come by these days. Due to that lack of time or higher life priorities, Gentlemint, after many years of running strong, had come into a state of disrepair. I needed to get some time together to pull some of the guts out of the engine and rebuild it.

I finally found some of that time and worked through some long standing, difficult technical problems with the site. Gentlemint's inner workings are in much better and more sustainable shape now.

Just in case you were wondering, the rumors of our demise are greatly exaggerated.

The Show Goes On

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