

Pocketknife Recommendations

General Posted by Razorback 5 years, 5 months ago

When I was a wee lad, my grandfather once told me there were three things a gentleman always carried: a handkerchief, a comb and a very sharp pocketknife. Being so young, the only one that resonated with me was the pocketknife. Mainly because my grandfather kept his little folding knife so sharp it could cut down a small tree if and when it was necessary (I actually witnessed him doing that one day). To that end, I have been carrying a pocketknife most of my life.

Back in 2013, I was in need of a new EDC knife. Based on an excellent recommendation from a Gentlemint member, I purchased a Spyderco Tenacious G10 folding pocket knife and immediately fell in love. It was my trusty companion since the day it arrived and I often felt incomplete if I left the house without it.

Alas, all good things must come to an end. This past August, I drove to Nashville with a good friend, where we met up with other friends from Michigan, to see Iron Maiden on their Legacy of the Beast tour. We had dinner and drinks before the show, laughing and catching up after years of not seeing each other, and as we were about to enter Bridgestone Arena, I realized my knife was in my back pocket. It was too late to turn back so, with great reluctance, I tossed it in the trash before reaching the metal detectors. I have felt naked since.

While I would gladly purchase another Spyderco Tenacious G10, I thought I ask the fine folks of the Mint if there are other recommendations I should explore before making my final decision. I have not looked at other knives since my 2013 purchase so if you have a personal preference, please share it here so we can all benefit from the collective knowledge.

14 replies

  • domestique34

    I've been carrying a Spyderco ParaMilitary G-10 for almost 3 years. I work in law enforcement and it has never let me down with almost daily use. I'm interested in trying the Emerson Sheepdog when this one gives up the ghost, but this will likely be no time soon.


  • domestique34

    Considering the unfortunate thing you had to do with your knife at the concert, I had a similar experience at a Rockies game last year. It completely slipped my mind I had it, until we were in line to enter. The car was miles away. I was wearing a belt, so I slipped the knife in my waistband, behind the belt buckle. I went through security, they waved the wand at my mid section, the alarm went off, they looked at my belt, and waved me on through. Crisis averted!


    • Razorback

      I made the same mistake last year at another concert and my wife put it in a pouch that was inside her purse. Security asked her to open the purse so they could peek in and waved us through. Makes one question the effectiveness of security at these public events.
