Useful Internet Ideas for Household
Posted by Crate38 from
IAmRickTerry, JMGeds, markgerloff and 24 others like this
Got to the Walnut, and went 'Aw snap.'
IAmRickTerry, JMGeds, markgerloff and 24 others like this
Got to the Walnut, and went 'Aw snap.'
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mathesdr 12 years, 6 months ago
The can opener idea has just changed my life.
Crate38 12 years, 6 months ago
Just thought about it, Baking Soda works just as well on headlights, as it also is a light abrasive.
57plymouth 12 years, 6 months ago
I usually sand headlights with 2000 grit and buff them with compound and swirl remover. But that's just me.
The other ideas here are great! Especially the sun tan lotion bottle safe for the beach and the toilet paper rolls over the wrapping paper.
CHAM3LEON 12 years, 6 months ago
you know how old this is?
Crate38 12 years, 6 months ago
No, but who cares? It's still full of great ideas, and there's no harm in bringing it to the attention of a newer audience.