

Top ten, but then #6 took a hit, I think...


  • DirtDoc 12 years, 7 months ago

    Here's the thing, if you call it lies, you have to back that up. Saying facts are right or wrong doesn't make them right or wrong.

    #1 is half true - 30 million of those uninsured at the bills passage are expected to have access to health insurance they would not otherwise have had. But it isn't a legal certainty. The second part is not true - some people will see their effective premiums go up, due to the tax on "Cadillac" health plans.

    2.) I honestly have never tried to study economics and so haven't taken on this part of PPACA. There is a section in the bill (Title 1, Sub. C, Part 1) that deals specifically with health insurance market reforms.

    3.) True. Title 1, Sub. C, sec. 1201 amends the Public Health Service Act to include Sec. 2705, which deals with the prevention of discrimination based on health status.

    4.) True. Title 1, Sub. E, Part II deals exclusively with this tax credit.

    5.) True. Title 1, Sub. B, section 1102.

    6.) True. Title 2 deals almost entirely with Medicaid, but also some other public programs, such as CHIP.

    7.) Title 1, Sub. A 1001 amends PHSA to include access to preventative health care services, including those applicable only to women. Having trouble finding the one which prevents higher premiums.

    8.) True. Title 1, Sub. A, sec. 1001 amends the Public Health Service Act to include this.

    9.)Multiple other parts might also influence this point, but Title III, Subtitle C, Sec. 3301 modifies Medicare Part D to extend this coverage across the donut hole. These discounts are part (or maybe the whole) of what is referred to when referencing closing the donut hole.

    10.) I am assuming this means the prevention of dropping people based on lifetime expenditure limits, which is prohibited in Title 1, Sub. A, sec. 1001, which amends PHSA with Sec. 2711, which prohibits lifetime coverage limits.

    I used wikisource for the language of the bill.">


  • Cody

    Cody 12 years, 7 months ago

    The more we can get people to depend on the government, the more they will depend on the government.

    I'm not against people having good health care. I'm against being forced by the government to purchase something, just because I'm alive.


  • BenW

    BenW 12 years, 7 months ago

    This is the government mandating that we have to own a product. What's the next one going to be? Brawndo? It's got electrolytes.


  • DirtDoc 12 years, 7 months ago

    I don't believe it is the government demanding we own a product. We have to purchase something, yes, but it's because we are already taking from a reserve pool of funds and services.

    While you're conscious and capable, you might choose not to seek health care. But if you're found incapable of caring for yourself, or if you show up in the ER, or if you are found unconscious, you have to be treated regardless of your inability to pay. You take from the system, and those of us who do pay assume the cost of that care if you can't pay.

    This cost is not insignificant. One study estimated that in California the cost of this uncompensated care to add a burden of $455 per individual per year in costs. Some of that is covered by the insurance companies, but they have to shift a large part of that on to the policy holders and/or their employers. USA Today estimated the total cost of unpaid healthcare to reach $49 Billion a year. That doesn't translate directly to 49 really large divided equally among 300million Americans, but it is a huge burden, both on government funds and on privately insured people.

    And for the record, I don't know anybody who "likes" the individual mandate. We recognize it as necessary to make the other provisions, like protecting coverage for those with preexisting conditions, economically viable. In a perfect world, we would have a single-payer system like Eisenhower tried to get through back in the 50's. But it is too late to try that now.

    Of course, by saying "you" up above i'm not actually accusing anybody of anything. The second-person is just a useful narrative device.

    Links."> (go to "effects of EMTLA)">


  • vintagesound

    vintagesound 12 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks to DirtDoc once again. It's so rare to see anyone put any research into their arguments.

    Everyone should have health insurance. You're one car wreck away from financial ruin. Because everyone should have it, we may as well all put in so it makes it more accessible to everyone across the board.


  • macbaker

    macbaker 12 years, 7 months ago

    This is why it's idiotic to post anything political in a place like this. All it does is cause dissent, division, and petty name calling!

    Can we please leave politics for porn boards and sports forums, where they belong?


  • kilroy182

    kilroy182 12 years, 7 months ago

    And all it cost was your Liberty.

    I'll simply leave you with a word from one of the founders.

    "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!"

    Samuel Adams
