

Leave to the damned colleges...

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  • elancaster65

    elancaster65 8 years, 4 months ago

    No. It's not toxic in its original form. Yes. It can be toxic if a man gives into the animalistic side of his psyche.

    Masculinity is not all violence and mayhem. Masculinity is the word colleges use to describe thugs. Being a man, manning up, is all part of what it means to be male. You must be a gentleman who knows how to kill everyone in the room if needs be. I know it's a funny poster, usually with Daniel Craig as James Bond but there is a measure of truth to that saying.

    Know how to tie a tie and shoot a gun.

    Know which fork to use and which knife is best for gutting deer.

    Know the difference between a lady and a lady of the evening.

    Knowing that a good conversation can be had regarding religion and politics if one is not a drunken buffoon because that's what entertainment says you should be. The conversation can be had, with a good scotch, when one keeps in mind Paul's admonition about moderation in all things.

    I'm spit-balling here but I think you get the drift.

    Some men will be knuckle-dragging brutes who will be portrayed as "all" men. Some me will not stand for that and stop knee-jerk reactions from becoming the norm by not only living as gentlemen but calling out those of our gender who are morons and insist on ruining it for the best of of us.
