

I'm firmly in the camp of people that believe that everyone should try out computer programming, especially kids.


  • banjoben

    banjoben 8 years, 4 months ago

    “But I’m just going to teach 2nd grade”

    This is exactly what many elementary ed majors think. It's that magic grade level where the kids are still little enough to be cute, old enough to have some small amount of self-control, and the math doesn't seem all that scary. Add to that the fact that state testing in many states begins in grade 3 or 4, and 2nd grade looks great. In my teacher-prep courses I've often done a survey of the class and showed them the results. Once they realize that almost every class-mate they have wants to teach 2nd grade too, it's pretty easy to point out that it's unlikely that they'll all get to do that.
