I had been curious about this anomaly of Scandinavia because the rest of the socialized world does not make it look as good as they do. I thought the article was kind of intuitive I had created this analogy: a centrally planned, redistributive form of government is merely form fitting dress; it exposes the flaws of the body/society it covers. I'd prefer we stick with something a little more modest and conservative.
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Gnito 9 years, 5 months ago
Now, this is a perfect example how to fit as many half truths as possible to get your political article convincing :D
ahnyerkeester 9 years, 5 months ago
You don't agree with this article? Can you point out some of the half truths? I am curious since I know little about those countries.
Chet_Manly 9 years, 4 months ago
I had been curious about this anomaly of Scandinavia because the rest of the socialized world does not make it look as good as they do. I thought the article was kind of intuitive I had created this analogy: a centrally planned, redistributive form of government is merely form fitting dress; it exposes the flaws of the body/society it covers. I'd prefer we stick with something a little more modest and conservative.