

The American South has been called, among other things, the “Chew Belt,” because the sweaty inhabitants of the humid climes below the Mason-Dixon line love chewing on ice. Nugget ice, in particular. If you’ve ever had a soda from Sonic, you know the stuff. It’s small, crunchy and eminently chewable. It’s also damn near impossible to make at home.

1 comment

  • Razorback

    Razorback 9 years, 7 months ago

    When the company I work for decided to install an ice/water dispenser, the one request by employees was to get the nugget ice similar to Sonic. Not an easy find but we installed a machine by Scotsman that does just that. After installation, we noticed that soda consumption dropped almost 60% because more people were getting ice water because of the nuggets.
