Oh no. Please let this be shot down immediately. This is bad for education and bad for our economy and bad policy for our government. No. Please, no.
Oh no. Please let this be shot down immediately. This is bad for education and bad for our economy and bad policy for our government. No. Please, no.
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skilletboy 9 years, 8 months ago
And he calls it the Robin Hood tax. No, I'm not kidding.
Abaker2375 9 years, 8 months ago
Crazy crazy man.
Chet_Manly 9 years, 8 months ago
Crazy people like him make for interesting neighbors, not good leaders. But I still find him more tolerable than "Her Majesty" Mrs. Clinton. He is at least honest about what he believes and I can respect him for that.
Todd73 9 years, 8 months ago
How does a man get to be his age and not understand that this is a really bad idea? Hey Bernard, ITS NOT FREE! You just want to buy votes - from idiots - with our money. Maybe some people don't want to go to college, why should they have to pay for the ones that do? If you want to go to college, well that's great.... now go get a job and pay for it like your supposed to. Sorry to rant but these freeloading, sorry a$$ liberals who think they know better than rest of us really get under my skin sometimes. Thanks, I feel better now.
JakeLonergan 9 years, 8 months ago
Yeah, because everything is, or should be, FREE. Except it's NEVER free.