7 Ways to Spot a Fake BBQ spot
Posted by Razorback from www.thrillist.com
Chet_Manly, Nickolas, daemon and 12 others like this
Added in Food and Beverage
Chet_Manly, Nickolas, daemon and 12 others like this
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Nickolas 9 years, 11 months ago
Nice! And so very true. Sonny's, Famous Dave's, etc fall into this.
brian 9 years, 11 months ago
Having enjoyed many a tasty Kansas City barbecue feast, I can attest that these truths are indeed self evident.
emtay 9 years, 11 months ago
#8: If a black dude is cooking, it's probably real. Stereotypical...yes. But true. Neelys Interstate BBQ in Memphis. Breast Brisket Brever. *doing the Homer Simpson drool over here*
Chet_Manly 9 years, 11 months ago
I have noticed that my clothes have a certain smell after I've eaten at a good BBQ place (related to the wood smoke, I'm sure), It's a wonderful smell that I can still pick up the next day from my shirt. Only happens at legit places.
JR's Rib Shack in PC FL, City BBQ in Ohio are two that come to mind. I have to mention them out of respect for their product.