

While this indicates a positive sign towards green energy, this presents itself a new problem if we would like to continue to grow more energy projects like this. According to the article, this solar farm is 3,800 acres, and would power ~160k homes. While there is an argument that this good for the environment, this presents a new argument about being invasive to the ecosystem. Of course, this is in the desert. But if there were multiple solar power projects being built that would power 1 million homes, that would require massive acreage. Eventually, the argument about the ecosystem will continue to grow.

Understandingly, all energy sources have their disadvantages, however I'm not sure this solution will be a practical one if we were wanting to power more homes in the United States.

1 comment

  • Nickolas

    Nickolas 10 years ago

    I completely agree. I like solar, I am a solar customer and will have a net zero home this year. But then again I 'live in the sticks' or 'B.F.E." The math right now with current technology for solar does not make sense. I also it is plain wrong to force anyone to buy green when in light we other more dire issues (homelessness, hunger,) that need attention and taxpayer resources.
