elsueco, fiddledroid likes this
After seeing this apartment i changed my mind about small places, i could totaly live here!
Would you?
Added in That Crazy Earth
elsueco, fiddledroid likes this
After seeing this apartment i changed my mind about small places, i could totaly live here!
Would you?
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elsueco 10 years, 3 months ago
I'd rather let the state pay for my stay in solitary. I'd love to know what the place is worth.
It's an interesting use of the space, but that's no life, if you ask me. I have interests, hobbies, and activities that require equipment and materials. If you can be content with nothing more than a cup of tea (in the one cup you own), a book, and staring at a white wall, good for you. I have nearly that many belonging in my office, not to mention back home.