

In discussing “school shootings,” one would not readily think of accidental shootings, drug-related shootings, gang-related shootings, suicides and, perhaps most surprisingly, instances of defensive gun use in which a person brandishes of shoots a firearm in self-defense — all of which are included in the Everytown report, according to Johnson.

“If a gangbanging gal in the ghetto accidentally shoots herself in the thigh because she needed gun for protection it isn’t a school shooting,” tweeted Johnson on Wednesday.


  • jordan

    jordan 10 years, 8 months ago

    ONLY 7 mass shootings? By their definition and my math, that's at least 21 innocent lives on school grounds (AKA kids or adults in front of kids) taken by unnecessary gun violence. I enjoy shooting as much as anyone, but this is getting out of hand.


    • pduffie

      pduffie 10 years, 8 months ago

      Jordan, no one is saying this isnt an issue and should be taken seriously. What this guy is saying is the liberal gun control activists will do anything, including lying and making up "facts" to push their agenda.


      • jordan

        jordan 10 years, 8 months ago

        I am looking forward to the day liberals and conservatives can come to any kind of consensus on any level to help our kids feel safe going to school again. Here's to baby steps!


        • TheNilvarg 10 years, 1 month ago

          Feel safe? Feel? Are you a woman? The issue is not feeling safe. The issue is -being- safe, and they won't -be- safe until teachers have a way to stop an active shooter. No law or "gun-free zone" sign is going to stop a criminal from carrying a firearm. Shooting him will.
