One type of anti-gun male. Good read.
Posted by CDBell from
mattlisa15, Bradleyd16, JakeLonergan and 1 other like this
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tinman97030 11 years, 1 month ago
bring all to the lowest common denominator; i have heard that somewhere before.
mattjones052185 11 years, 1 month ago
Here's hoping this is satire. In case this author is, in fact, serious, here's my opinion:
I've got a safe full of firearms at home, but I find this piece of sophistry insulting on almost every level imaginable. Amazing that it was published by JWR, given that it openly exalts the concept of the ubermensch. We use firearms basically to make up for human weakness, not as some kind of macho fashion accessory to prove our strength.
JakeLonergan 11 years, 1 month ago
"We use firearms basically to make up for human weakness, not as some kind of macho fashion accessory to prove our strength."
Which is exactly what I derived from her commentary.
mango333 11 years, 1 month ago
Matt, I think you missed the point. She's not saying this of all men. This is the male - I can't call him a man - that wants to legislate all men down to his level because he can't deal with who he is. She is saying it is OK to not like or desire to own or use a hand gun. But for some males, this feels like an inadequacy; like they are not men if they feel uncomfortable around guns. Honestly, I think she hit so close to the real threat to our Second Amendment rights that we need to pay attention.
JakeLonergan 11 years, 1 month ago
This article was brilliant! It got me thinking that we can apply this line of thought to almost every Liberal outbreak of night-sweats from the poor little apple (ACK! Alar!) all the way down the line to the the dreaded and manmade firearm. I'll call it The Afraid Of Their Own Shadow Syndrome. She is correct on an even wider scale; these people are afraid of EVERYTHING! Except "necessities" that really do kill a lot of people, like cars. Cars have become commoditized so that their downside is accepted. I'd say we are near or at the point where firearms have become commoditized so their downside is already accepted by the majority of the population, too.