


  • Filadog

    Filadog 11 years, 8 months ago

    If I'm in the woods and I flip over a log and under that log I see 3 snakes. Now lets also pretend I grew up in the city and I don't know which snakes are poisonous/dangerous but I have read about some in my Biology books, History books and heard about them in casual every day conversation. Based on what my common knowledge tells me, when I see the snake with those diamond markings, some sort of noise making rattle on its tail and a very distinctive head, I will know to stay away from that one. There, I just practiced racial profiling. If it walks like a thug, dresses like a thug and is in a neighborhood full of thugs, there is a pretty good chance it's a thug. Don't try to make racial profiling sound like a racist tactic when it's something that can prevent crime.


    • JakeLonergan

      JakeLonergan 11 years, 8 months ago

      Forget it. These people suffer from Selective Outrage. If Nixon or W do something it's an immediate comparison to Hitler. If THEIR guy does something exponentially worse it's "in our best interest" or even ignored.


  • mango333

    mango333 11 years, 8 months ago

    @Filadog - I understand the sentiment, but these aren't animals, they are people. We have a Constitution for a reason and when it is violated for one segment of the population you can bet it will extend to you and to me. There is no law against looking like a thug.

    Our Constitutional rights are not optional, but as long as the American people keep treating them as such they will disappear. As long as reasoning like yours is allowed to dictate who's rights are upheld and who's aren't, we'll all lose them.


  • MrCowgirl

    MrCowgirl 11 years, 8 months ago

    The problem isn't racial profiling. The problem officers who don't respect the civilian population. The problem isn't the stops themselves, it's how the officers are handling these stops. I don't care how the people are reacting to police and these stops, if you are the symbol of authority and order, you don't need to act like the thugs that you're stopping. Let them cuss and spit and threaten, you're the officer, you're in control. You can racially profile without threatening to break someones arm and calling them a fucking mutt.


    • mango333

      mango333 11 years, 8 months ago

      I agree the stops are being conducted abhorrently! But what would you expect from people who are willingly violating your rights to begin with. Being latino or black or looking "suspicious" are not crimes, nor are they reasonable reasons to stop a person to search for other crimes.

      When our "symbols" of authority overstep the mandates they have been granted, you can neither expect them to stop at "suspicious" activity nor expect them to treat you with any kind of dignity or respect.
