

Added in Style


  • Razorback

    Razorback 11 years, 8 months ago

    I wear a t-shirt (typically a crew) underneath everything, even other t-shirts that are meant to be worn on the outside. I see a lot of young people these days not wearing t-shirts under their dress shirts. Sorry, but that’s just nasty.

    The White Cotton Tank Top (aka, the wife beater): “They shouldn’t make an appearance as your outer layer. In fact, they shouldn’t make an appearance at all.” They nailed that one on the head. This is the ugliest shirt on the planet and pretty much broadcasts to the world that you have no style or class.

    Athletic Undershirts: Sorry, but if you are over the age of 30, Under Armour should not be worn unless it is the base thermal layer underneath your hunting clothes or you are a professional athlete. Never as an outside layer, no matter how fit you might be.
