tinman97030, johnnymoose, Razorback and 10 others like this
84 mpg 100 mph Price tag $6800 only thing that worries me is the fact its on 3 wheels.
tinman97030, johnnymoose, Razorback and 10 others like this
84 mpg 100 mph Price tag $6800 only thing that worries me is the fact its on 3 wheels.
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Razorback 11 years, 9 months ago
With those crazy eyeball-looking headlights, this thing could pull off a seriously cool Flying Tigers paint job.
tico1998 11 years, 9 months ago
Like the idea but.....just don't get hit in one of these. I'm thinking one of these VS. any standard truck would be a pretty bad scene.
ben.terry 11 years, 9 months ago
My first thought was, "it’s good for those with no friends and who never buy anything" then I saw the, what I am guessing is a trunk (boot), in the front. So now I am thinking "good for those with no friends"