The salt in coffee thing isn't bad. I've done it. Personally, I like my coffee more bitter, but a lot of women, and lesser men who don't like the taste of good black coffee like what the salt does to it.
Every now and then I used to end up in a truckstop that had burned the coffee. My grandfather (born in 1923) taught me to put a pinch salt into bad coffee to make it more palatable. He also drank 'iced' coffee before it was cool. Of course he iced it so he could drink it faster and get back to WORK. They don't make em like him anymore. Damn shame.
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MrCowgirl 11 years, 8 months ago
The salt in coffee thing isn't bad. I've done it. Personally, I like my coffee more bitter, but a lot of women, and lesser men who don't like the taste of good black coffee like what the salt does to it.
ahnyerkeester 11 years, 8 months ago
I like my coffee black but not so bitter. I just can't image putting salt in it.
glen 11 years, 8 months ago
My grandparents did this... thing is, they had no idea why. They'd just always done it.
ahnyerkeester 11 years, 8 months ago
My dad always put a pinch of salt in his beer. When I attained drinking age I tried it. I have no idea why he'd do such a thing.
What was it with that generation and salt?
glen 11 years, 8 months ago
Hah, no idea.
kilroy182 11 years, 8 months ago
Every now and then I used to end up in a truckstop that had burned the coffee. My grandfather (born in 1923) taught me to put a pinch salt into bad coffee to make it more palatable. He also drank 'iced' coffee before it was cool. Of course he iced it so he could drink it faster and get back to WORK. They don't make em like him anymore. Damn shame.