I am incapable of being technical at this gentleman's level. But it was a very insightful read, regardless. I definitely recommend it for the guys that dig mechanics, motorcycles, and Kerouac.
I am incapable of being technical at this gentleman's level. But it was a very insightful read, regardless. I definitely recommend it for the guys that dig mechanics, motorcycles, and Kerouac.
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glen 11 years, 9 months ago
I've heard great things about this book, but kind of let it slip in my list of things to read. Gonna check it out from the library today :)
tinman97030 11 years, 9 months ago
interesting book, read it in college while on a summer trip backpacking around europe many years ago.
Stevie77 11 years, 8 months ago
He gets really intellectual and starts breaking down the idea of Quality and my brain feels like its going to melt... He makes a compelling argument but its almost at "A Beautiful Mind" level, for a few pages but I got this edition so it had some decent notes from the author, which revealed a little disheartening after note about "his co-pilot" on his trip. (Its the same as Kerouac, same time period, also non-fiction, and same subject: a guy traveling out west. Its just: instead of being romantic and picturesque its very technical.)