I'm still trying to decide if it was my membership in a CA Tea Party (CA was one of the places where the membership rolls were demanded) or my contribution to Mitt Romney that got me a letter from the IRS stating that I owed another $7700 IMMEDIATELY. If I were a former acting head of the IRS I'd never even be able to come that close to figuring out why.
How ironic is it that Liberals believe that more government equals more freedom. We are living in troubling times. A time of reverse discrimination, degradation of traditional morals and the idea that if you actually worked hard and now have anything resembling a "luxury" as a result of that hard work, you're not considered successful, you're considered a "old stingy rich guy/woman".
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JakeLonergan 11 years, 9 months ago
I'm still trying to decide if it was my membership in a CA Tea Party (CA was one of the places where the membership rolls were demanded) or my contribution to Mitt Romney that got me a letter from the IRS stating that I owed another $7700 IMMEDIATELY. If I were a former acting head of the IRS I'd never even be able to come that close to figuring out why.
Filadog 11 years, 9 months ago
How ironic is it that Liberals believe that more government equals more freedom. We are living in troubling times. A time of reverse discrimination, degradation of traditional morals and the idea that if you actually worked hard and now have anything resembling a "luxury" as a result of that hard work, you're not considered successful, you're considered a "old stingy rich guy/woman".