Burt's Bees Natural Skin Care for Men | Uncrate
Posted by Stevie77 from uncrate.com
Our household is in the middle of an all natural thing. Hopefully its permanent b/c its cheap and less hassle. But in the beginning, it was Burt's Bees. For the MANSOME boys that have to have "manly" stuff... check out this line. Smells awesome sans most of the gunk that causes health issues in skincare and toiletries these days. They have pretty much everything you should need.
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Fenrir 11 years, 10 months ago
I can't find this in any store (I can only find the girly stuff in the local drug store). Have you found it locally or do you have to order online?
Stevie77 11 years, 10 months ago
Um...dang dude. We're a military family so we shop at the military exchanges and they have it but I've seen most of their men stuff at "healthy stores" like Whole Foods & Earthfare. Probably at Trader Joe's, Vitamin Shoppe (Not Vitamin World or GNC, specifically Vitamin Shoppe b/c they have a decent "natural self-care" section. Honestly those are the only places I would check. And most even carry other green man products by other brands. Good luck.