

Stewart destroys Fox News. From a conservative, well done Jon


  • egro 11 years, 10 months ago

    At least the commentators on Fox with a legal background know enough to soundly refute the others remarks.

    Also, I don't know why anyone invites Ann Coulter to comment. I can't recall ever hearing anything smart come out of her mouth.


  • VintageOH 11 years, 10 months ago

    But can you say he's wrong, BCV? We are a country founded on a pretty basic and clear set of rules and to say at the end of the day that we can tweak who gets what rights based on our emotional needs is a stupid, selfish, and incredibly dangerous path to go down. Now I will diverge from Mr. Stewart when it comes to gun control because "mental health" checks seem incredibly subjective and I want to know who the arbiter is for what makes a person "mentally healthy" enough to own a firearm.
