


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 11 years, 11 months ago

    Oh, sure! Able and Baker are gone but Charlie stays? Now I have to learn something like 18 new letters? Frak!

    Btw, Raz, you should know #1 on that military charities list is a problem if you believe in the Second Amendment. Tom Gresham exposed the Wounded Warrior Project as being anti-gun on his Guntalk radio show in, I believe, January. Check iTunes for the podcasts of his show, he even had a rep from WWP on who didn't help their case.


  • Razorback

    Razorback 11 years, 11 months ago

    @JakeLonergan - Sorry for any extra work. Certainly not my doing. As for the WWP, I was not aware but will certainly look into that. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
