Woman Drank Herself to Death with Coca-Cola
Posted by glen from news.discovery.com
Addicted to Coke: 2.2 gallons a day.
Added in Food
Addicted to Coke: 2.2 gallons a day.
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cogan 12 years, 1 month ago
It's sad that someone could be so addicted to ... anything! But while I don't drink soda, I don't think Coca-Cola should be held responsible. Anything manufactured and consumed in that kind of excess is incredibly dangerous. Great link, Glen.
glen 12 years, 1 month ago
@cogan: totally agree. You could swap Coca-cola with anything and have the same outcome. I was just amazed at the 2.2 gallons/day! I find it hard to drink a gallon of water (or anything) in a day. Crazy!
Razorback 12 years, 1 month ago
Coco-Cola did not kill this woman, McDonald's does not make you fat and guns don't kill people. As a society, people have to start taking responsibility for their actions. I wonder if years of litigation has evolved humans in to a species that must focus blame on others.
Britt_DeTienne 12 years ago
I had to look up the conversion rate of gallons to liters to wrap my head around how much liquid we are talking about. This woman drank 8.328 liters (over 4 2 liters) a DAY. Unbelievable.
archer 12 years ago
@razorback, word.